Discover our climate training courses

Become a climate expert thanks to our immersive training courses.

Take advantage of a pedagogy based on the best of theory and practice!

🇫🇷 Get our training courses financed

Our Sami Academy training center is Qualiopi certified.
Have our training courses financed by your OPCO or by Pôle Emploi.

Discover our two trainings

From measuring emissions to building an effective climate strategy!

Work on concrete cases!

The day-to-day work of a carbon expert is not limited to applying theory.

Each company has its own decarbonisation challenges, and each requires its own personalised strategies, so work on real-life cases and be prepared to deal with special situations!

Test your theoretical knowledge on multi-sectoral case studies

Learn how to manage a carbon accounting tool in order to create quality climate assessments and strategies

Take advantage of the best tools and resources to make progress (Plan Carbone Général)

A pedagogy based on practice

At the heart of methodological discussions

Our team of climate experts is a member of numerous methodological working groups (Base empreinte, affichage environnemental...)

Sami's experts are also behind the Plan Carbone Général, the reference wiki for carbon accounting, currently managed by the ABC and ADEME.

We won't let you down once the training is over!

In addition to the many tools and supports that you will receive during our training courses, you benefit from an exchange group within our Open Carbone Practice community.

Put your questions to our trainers and the 500+ carbon experts in the community.

Ready-to-use tools and materials

Take advantage of a network of over 500 carbon experts in France and Europe!

Long-term support

Discover Romane's testimony

"The theoretical basis is there, the overall thinking around the carbon footprint is there, the understanding of the different items, the emission factors, etc... And then there's the whole practical dimension which was very important for me. We work on concrete cases, we go over them with the trainer, we correct them, we can ask questions, and that's what makes the difference."

Carbon accounting training
February 2024

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We answer all your questions

What is the main difference between our climate courses and other climate courses?
Practice and more practice!

Climate training courses on the market focus on theory. Having carried out several hundred carbon assessments, LCAs and climate strategies, we are convinced that theory is not enough! Each company is unique and has specific needs in order to make a success of its low-carbon transition.

As well as focusing on theory, our two training courses will give you the opportunity to work on a large number of practical cases taken from real-life situation

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What are the differences between our two courses?
Carbon accounting training: This course focuses on measuring an organisation's greenhouse gas emissions.

You will learn how to collect data, use emissions factors, consolidate data and analyse the results!

Climate strategy training: This course focuses on reducing an organisation's greenhouse gas emissions.

You will learn how to build action plans and precise, ambitious climate strategies based on different benchmarks!

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What is the format of our two courses?
Both our courses are distance learning courses!

1. Live sessions with our trainers to go through the theory and work on practical cases

2. Work sessions to be carried out individually

3. A discussion group on Slack so you can ask all your questions

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What is the price of both courses?

As our training center is Qualiopi certified, all of our courses can be financed by your OPCO.

The price of our carbon accounting training is 2500€ EXCL. VAT

The price of our climate strategy training is 2000€ EXCL. VAT

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Do I need special equipment to take the courses?
In order to follow our two courses, you will only need to have a computer in order to follow videoconferencing as well as to carry out the various practical cases.

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I am a novice, can I apply for your courses?
Our two courses are completely accessible to novice people.

Our trainers will provide you with all the theoretical and practical bases!

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Would I be able to be autonomous with a company at the end of your training?
By combining theory and practice, our two courses will allow you to be completely autonomous on carbon accounting or climate strategy projects.

In addition to numerous concrete cases, our trainers will provide you with resources and tools in order to succeed in your future projects!

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What are the next training dates?

Training dates are defined according to the availability of learners and trainers. Please contact us to book a training slot.

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I am disabled, can I attend one of your courses?

Accessibility is an important topic for us. If you are disabled or have restrictions, you can contact us in order to determine together if adaptations are possible.

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