Reduce emissions from your institutions and services

Sami supports many actors in education and training in their decarbonization strategy, taking into account their Scopes 1, 2 and 3.

Benefit from a BPI subsidy for your carbon assessment

Get financing for your carbon assessment thanks to the
Diag Décarbon'Action (BPI, ADEME).

Sami can help you through the whole process!

A powerful software and human expertise from consultants

Speed up the process of collecting your data

Use our specific data collectors directly (digital, premises, employees, etc.). Simply deposit your data files for automatic processing!

Automation of expenses from your purchases and services

Specific questionnaires for visitors, students, administrative staff, suppliers, etc.

Custom visualization of your emissions: by establishment, campus, by labs...


Visualize the emissions of your activity and adapt your reduction objectives!

Define objectives and an action plan according to your means and visualize the dynamic impact of each action on your reduction trajectories.

Global and specific reduction objectives adapted to obtain the DD&RS label

Build a 100% activity-specific action plan

Visualize the impact of each action on your reduction trajectories and compare them from one year to the next


Discover the carbon footprint of a training or education company

Find out more about Sami's expertise in this anonymous report

Support tailored to your needs and environmental objectives

Carbon footprint Scopes 1, 2 & 3, DD&RS compliant action plan, awareness raising, etc. From measurement to action: consultants who are experts in the education sector guide you in reducing your carbon footprint.

A to Z support for the realization of your carbon footprint

Support for defining your reduction objectives

Implementation of awareness workshops


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To go further

Environmental labelling will introduce an environmental score for the products sold. What sectors, when, how? We tell you all about the subject!
An exclusive webinar with ADEME in charge of the deployment of environmental labelling. Testimonial from two companies that have already implemented it on their products.
How did Monsieur Tshirt call on Sami to quantify and understand its climate impact, in order to then reduce it effectively.