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Emissions related to electricity consumption in a carbon footprint

How to count emissions related to electricity consumption in a carbon footprint? We explain everything to you in this article.

Baptiste Gaborit

Climate editor

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Uncertainties in measuring the carbon footprint

Where does uncertainty come from in calculating a company's carbon footprint? How is it measured? How is it integrated into our Sami platform? We explain everything to you in this article.

Baptiste Gaborit

Climate editor

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The carbon footprint, a tool for economic performance

Profitability of GHG reduction actions, competitiveness, protection against transition risks. Achieving a carbon footprint offers numerous economic benefits.

Baptiste Gaborit

Climate editor

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Which life cycle assessment (LCA) for which strategy?

Which LCA should you choose if you want to compare your products? Or compare your product with those of your competitors? Or prepare for the implementation of environmental labelling? Explanations in this article.

Baptiste Gaborit

Climate editor

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LCA and carbon footprint: what are the differences?

What are the main differences between a LCA and a carbon footprint? We take stock in this article in 10 questions.

Chloé Boucher

Climate editor

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Analytical carbon accounting: turning carbon footprint into strategic tool

How to make the carbon footprint a strategic tool for your business? We explain to you what the Sami software allows in the analysis of your emissions.

Baptiste Gaborit

Climate editor

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Sami's news
5 mins

Sami is certified B Corp!

Sami is certified B Corp, and is now one of the more than 350 French companies that have joined this community of committed actors.

Margot Cadier

Content, Communication @Sami

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Climate risks: a major challenge for companies

Heat waves, floods but also transition or liability risks. The climate risks that weigh on businesses are multiplying. How do you identify them? How to adapt?

Baptiste Gaborit

Climate editor

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10 mins

The 25 questions every company has about CSRD!

Discover our special CSRD FAQs in this article!

Chloé Boucher

Climate editor

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7 mins

CSRD: understanding everything about the ESRS E1 “Climate Change” !

What is the objective of the CSRD ESRS E1 “Climate Change”? What information are companies going to have to disclose? We're taking stock.

Chloé Boucher

Climate editor

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08 mins

ESRS: understanding European reporting standards

What are the new reporting standards wanted by the European Commission? How can you best prepare for it? We enlighten you!

Chloé Boucher

Climate editor

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9 mins

Double materiality assessment : the key point of CSRD

What is double materiality? How to do a double materiality assessment in the context of CSRD? All the answers in this article.

Chloé Boucher

Climate editor

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The carbon footprint, an essential tool for business strategy

The carbon footprint is essential for a corporate climate strategy: identifying and reducing its emissions, managing climate risks. Our explanations.

Baptiste Gaborit

Climate editor

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The Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi): definition and application

The Science Based Targets initiative: what is it and how do you apply it to your business?

Guillaume Colin

Head of Climate Expertise @Sami

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All about emission factors (EF)

Discover our article on emission factors and on our Sami database of over 100,000 emission factors!

Anna Inisan

Climate editor

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8 mins

Understanding the CSRD: extra-financial reporting obligations

What are the obligations of the CSRD? How to prepare for extra-financial reporting? What companies? Discover our practical sheet!

Baptiste Gaborit

Climate editor

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Understanding everything about life cycle assessment (LCA)

What is a LCA, or life cycle assessment? What is it for? How do you assess the environmental impacts of a product? We explain all this to you.

Baptiste Gaborit

Climate editor

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Understanding everything about the carbon footprint

Why do a carbon footprint? How to do it? With what activity data or what emission factors? This guide is made for you!

Baptiste Gaborit

Climate editor

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What is the definition of 1 2 3 Scopes?

The various carbon accounting methodologies divide GHG emissions into Scopes 1, 2 and 3. Definition and feedback on this term.

Guillaume Colin

Head of Climate Expertise @Sami

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Carbon footprint of an electric car: myths and reality

It seems that the electric car is “clean” and “zero emissions”. Is that really the case? Far from myths, discover its carbon footprint!

Bérénice Bieuville

Climate editor

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