Discover the power of our software

From data collection to visualisation of your reduction trajectories.

Build and manage your climate strategy on a single platform.

Our software is compliant with various international methodologies.

Conduct carbon assessments according to the GHG Protocol or the Bilan Carbone methodology (for french companies).

Speed up your data collection

Many data collectors

Accounting information, data activities, forms...
Simply collect all your data.

A precise analysis of your employees' emissions

Collect data on your employees' emissions and their level of knowledge and awareness of climate change.

A supplier form to bring your entire value chain on board

Easily collect your Scope 3 data and engage your suppliers in a low-carbon approach.

A dedicated space for auditing your data

Benefit from automatic calculations

Whether the data is physical or monetary, our software automatically calculates the emissions of our collectors.

A space to consolidate all your data

Import all your data in just 1 click and consolidate it efficiently.

An analytical view of your emissions

Customise emissions categories and create your own analysis indicators.

Shape all your
carbon data

Get an initial overview of your emissions

Find all your reports and details of emissions in a comprehensive dashboard.

Accurately analyse your product emissions

Zoom into the emissions of each of your products to implement the right reduction actions.

Compare your emissions with other companies

Take advantage of our benchmark function to compare your emissions with those of other companies.

Build your
climate roadmap

A customisable catalogue of low-carbon actions

A catalogue of more than 250 low-carbon actions to address your main emission sources.

Build your climate roadmap action by action

Define your reduction targets for each action and visualise the potential impact of your action plan.

Create different action plans at company level

Tailor your action plans by entity, subsidiary or country to meet your different objectives.

View your emissions trajectories

Define your objectives

Determine your growth targets and your reduction targets in order to meet your obligations.

Configure your reduction trajectories

Build different reduction trajectories (overall, by emissions category, by intensity, etc.).

Align your trajectories with SBT benchmarks

Display the SBT trajectories in the application and check that your objectives are in line with the expected trajectory.

Test our climate software

Discover the power of Sami software in just a few clicks (demo in 🇫🇷)

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