The climate strategy, launched mainly out of knowledge of the climate emergency, has allowed a 26% reduction in impact by understanding which parts of the activity are the most emissive and how to decarbonize them effectively.
No more sight browsing and disparate actions, hello structured climate plan and boosted employer brand!
What was your CSR strategy before contacting Sami?
The societal and social dimensions were and are still managed by our human resources team.
Being aware of ecological issues, we wanted to do things well, without really knowing how.
Several years ago, the group began to implement actions to limit its impact: waste sorting, recycled paper, composters.
These first actions allowed us to get our foot in the stirrup, we quickly saw the limit of navigating by sight without knowing the relevance of the actions put in place.
Have you already done a carbon assessment?
No, before, we thought that the carbon balances were reserved for large companies.
By implementing our first actions, it quickly became clear that moving forward by sight was complicated: what actions should we put in place? What is emissive in the company's activity? What is the impact of the possible actions, are they worth the efforts to implement them?
The carbon footprint then appeared to be an essential first step in order to have a concrete and quantified strategy.
Many people on the team are sensitive to ecological issues, but no one had yet pushed for integrating these issues into the company.
Since then, we have achieved 3 successive reports, in 2019, 2020 and 2021, and that of 2022 is currently being finalized.
Who launched the idea of doing the first carbon assessment and why?
It's me, after carrying out my personal carbon assessment, I understood the importance of this tool and I proposed to Scybl to implement it. I was surprised to receive a positive and favorable reception right away.
Starting a carbon footprint requires motivation, knowledge and time to do so. I was motivated, I had a knowledge base that I was able to complete by myself and when we know The challenges, we find the time to devote ourselves to it.
Motivated by the altruism of the group, the CSR approach also serves as aother no less important issues : brand image, employer brand, competitive differentiation, compliance with legislation, etc.
Today, there are many reasons for businesses to care about their CSR policy, in particular by carrying out a carbon footprint and beyond that by adopting a climate strategy.
How was the carbon footprint received internally?
The approach was very well received internally, I had a lot of very encouraging positive feedback.S.
The collective intelligence put in place around the action plan was essential to move the approach forward effectively, as actions cannot be implemented alone.
Some resistance to change has of course emerged, I made sure to take the time to explain the issues to the whole team, to sensitize on the importance of questioning our ways of doing things and the fact that we all benefit from improving ourselves.
Engaging the teams around the implementation of the action plan was more complicated. The desire was there, but the climate could quickly take a back seat, in the middle of already well-filled to-do lists.
It was when we explicitly allocated slots to each person to contribute to the climate plan on their working time that things really started to move quickly.
Why did you choose Sami?
After contacting different providers, we selected Sami because the contact with the teams was very good and the price offered was very interesting in terms of the precision of the calculations and the support included.
What do you think of the work done with Sami?
The approach makes the climate approach accessible and simple, which helped Scybl get started.
Thanks to Sami, we were able to define and launch a real strategy, where we used to advance a bit blindly.
Now, we have a global vision, we know where we want to go and how to get there.
After understanding how to do a carbon assessment by doing the first one, we were able to save a lot of time collecting the data needed for the next 3, going from 2 weeks of work for the first to 2-3 days for the fourth.
The support of our carbon expert Matthias is also valuable, in addition to a good relationship, he is always available, ready to help and answer our questions when necessary. He gave us recommendations for relevant actions and gives us useful tips for implementing them.
What are the main lessons of your carbon footprint?
Having made an initial assessment made it possible to better understand the impact of our activity in terms of emissions, to have a global vision and to establish a real strategy.
The results of the carbon footprint surprised us : we suspected that the majority of our shows would come from buying the products we resell. We had no idea that they made up nearly 90% of our impact!
In light of the carbon footprint, we have refocused our energy on the actions that have the greatest reduction potential, by necessarily focusing on our purchases: reworking the offer, offering new products and services that are less carbon intensive, etc.
Je knew most of the actions we selected in our action plan. What the carbon footprint has given us are figures to be able to prioritize them and focus our efforts on the most effective ones.
A simple example: I was wondering what to choose between an electric hand dryer and wiping paper. I thought that the impact of the electric hand dryer, despite its manufacture, would be lower over several years than consuming dozens of rolls of paper per year. However, by quantifying the impact, the verdict is clear: paper rolls are less emissive even over several years.
What impact reduction goals have been set?
Our goals are in line with the recommendations of Science-Based Targets (SBT) : an annual reduction of 7% in our economic carbon intensity until 2030.
We largely achieved the objective in 2020 with a 20% reduction in our economic carbon intensity, inevitably helped by the health crisis.
The rebound was mechanically visible in 2021, but controlled: If we look at our carbon intensity between 2019 and 2021, our carbon intensity has decreased by 26% an average annual reduction of 13% greater than our 7% target.
We are now waiting for the result of our 2022 carbon footprint to see if the actions put in place have borne fruit and adjust our action plan accordingly.
Does the climate approach allow you to achieve your other initial goals?
Internally, the objectives are met: the whole team is aware of the approach, the ambition and the roles are well defined.
In terms of the impact on the employer brand, it's hard to trace the impact of our CSR approach, what I can say from experience is that for a recent recruitment, 9 out of 10 candidates talked about our CSR approach, because it is well highlighted on our site and in our documents.
I think there is a impact on the number and quality of people who apply, especially in junior positions, as young people seem even more sensitive to these issues.
What are the next steps in your action plan?
An annual action plan has been established that I coordinate, in which each action is managed by a group of 2 to 3 people.
We started with the simplest and most obvious actions to get the machine started: supplies, energy, waste or even customer gifts.
This year, we are continuing this momentum by also tackling more technical and structural actions, such as developing a new catalog of low-carbon products to offer more sustainable options to the products listed in our classic catalog.
Encouraging our customers to favour these options is beneficial for our own carbon footprint by reducing the impact of our inputs, as we select eco-designed products that have a lower carbon footprint than their traditional equivalent.
It also directly reduces the carbon footprint of our customers for the same reason: everyone wins!