ATL Prodution is a French industrial SME with 25 people.
It has an annual turnover of €3.5 million and has equipped nearly 900 hotels with its flagship product, Levly®, of which 70,000 units have been installed.
The company is working on new products, especially for mass distribution.
All production has been carried out in France for 35 years, on the company's site in Aubusson in the Creuse.
What was your CSR strategy before contacting Sami?
The ecological and societal impacts of ATL are subjects of paramount importance to us, if only because of our products designed to reduce the arduousness of work.
We are a small company with no team or person dedicated to CSR, we implemented our first actions, guided by our common sense.
An example is our waste, from paper to steel, which is collected and recycled in partnership with our suppliers.
Ecology is a subject that I am personally very sensitive to, and I know that this is also the case for some people on my team.
It seems obvious to me that as a business manager my role is to ensure the long-term sustainability of the company. This involves this carbon footprint to reduce our impact, but also to attract young people, especially engineers, and show them that we are taking the subject head-on.
Have you already done a carbon assessment?
It was our first carbon balance, very important for us to quantify our contribution to climate change and identify the actions to be implemented as a priority to limit our emissions and those on which we depend.
This carbon footprint will serve as a starting point for monitoring our progress over time and setting specific and measurable goals.
Why did you choose Sami?
The first proposal I had was to go through a consultant and to be supported in carrying out a carbon assessment for 12 to 18 months. This represented 10 days of work, for a total budget of €10,000.
I found this approach a bit time-consuming, and above all, I was not thrilled with the idea that the quality of the final carbon footprint depends entirely on one person whose work practices I don't know.
I discovered Sami through my network, offering a faster and more accessible approach.
The calculations are carried out with the help of a online platform, which also guarantees quality and above all a certain neutrality that guarantees better objectivity of the result.
I had also contacted another similar company, offering a carbon assessment carried out with the help of a platform. The support offered was lighter, which is what made me turn to Sami in the end, who I find offers the best of both worlds, the simplicity of an online platform with good human support.
What did you think of Sami?
The whole process was as simple as expected, an observation shared with the technical director of the company who led this project.
The support of our carbon expert, Matthias, was of very good quality. Everything was always well planned and clear, and Matthias followed us closely to ensure that the project moved forward.
All teams were asked to retrieve the data required for the calculation, which created a good internal dynamic around the subject and aroused interest.
What are the main lessons of your carbon footprint?
It was our first carbon footprint, we didn't know what to expect.
And for that the results have fixed things well, we now have a clear idea of our impact from which to work.
For example, we discovered that the end of life of our products, their transport and their dismantling, when discarded, represent 17.5% of our impact. This is a dimension on which there are several simple actions to put in place to limit the impact, knowing the proportion that this has in the carbon footprint will make us worry about it.
This first carbon balance contained a lot of analytical information, such as the detailed carbon footprint of each of our products, which will serve us in a second step after having started the bulk of the improvement process.
What are the next steps before next year?
We are going to work on changing the way we heat our premises. The increase in gas prices had already prompted us to do so, looking at the results of the carbon footprint, the question no longer arises.
Work on the end of life of our products and our waste is also launched, in particular by working in partnership with our suppliers.
Another area that we are currently working on is the impact of our supplies, especially steel, which represents nearly 25% of our balance sheet. Recycled steel solutions exist, or we can turn to other materials.
This takes a bit of time, requiring us to redefine the economic equation for our products and our supply chain.